Corsi di basket per tutte le età dal 1973, con passione e dedizione ci occupiamo di far crescere la nostra associazione..

Chi Siamo

La Storia della ASD Polisportiva di Marrubiu: Un Viaggio tra Passione, Sport e Comunità

La Polisportiva di Marrubiu è una realtà sportiva che affonda le radici nel cuore pulsante della provincia di Oristano, in Sardegna. Fondata nel 1973, la società ha visto crescere intorno a sé un forte legame con la comunità locale, divenendo un punto di riferimento per lo sport e per chi desidera avvicinarsi a diverse discipline. La sua nascita è il frutto della passione e dell’impegno di un gruppo di soci fondatori, uniti dall'intenzione di promuovere lo sport e i suoi valori nella loro terra.

All’inizio, la Polisportiva si proponeva di offrire una varietà di discipline, dando vita a un progetto che, negli anni, avrebbe attraversato le stagioni e le evoluzioni sportive del paese. La prima fase della sua storia vide la società impegnata in molteplici attività: dal calcio alla pallacanestro, dalla pallavolo all’atletica leggera, senza dimenticare il calcio indoor. Ogni sport aveva il suo spazio e ogni atleta trovava la propria passione tra le diverse proposte.

Nel corso degli anni, la Polisportiva di Marrubiu ha saputo rispondere ai cambiamenti, adattandosi ai nuovi tempi e alle richieste di una comunità che cresceva con il desiderio di praticare sport a tutti i livelli. Sebbene la società abbia avuto una varietà di discipline in diversi momenti della sua storia, oggi la principale attività è concentrata sulla pallacanestro, con un focus particolare sul coinvolgimento delle nuove generazioni e sulla formazione di atleti di tutte le età.

A basketball sits on an asphalt surface with white painted lines. The ball has 'Wilson' and an NBA logo printed on it. Shadows are visible, indicating a sunny day.
A basketball sits on an asphalt surface with white painted lines. The ball has 'Wilson' and an NBA logo printed on it. Shadows are visible, indicating a sunny day.

Corsi di Basket

Unisciti a noi per corsi di basket per ragazzi e adulti, dal 1973 nella provincia di Oristano.

Basket Under 19

Partecipa al campionato Under 19 maschile con la nostra squadra, iscritta alla federazione italiana di basket.

A group of 14 young male basketball players is standing in a gymnasium. They are wearing matching black jerseys with red and white details, each with a unique number. The players are arranged in a straight line on a polished wooden basketball court, which features a large red and yellow letter 'C' at the center. Two players hold basketballs, and there are wooden bleachers in the background.
A group of 14 young male basketball players is standing in a gymnasium. They are wearing matching black jerseys with red and white details, each with a unique number. The players are arranged in a straight line on a polished wooden basketball court, which features a large red and yellow letter 'C' at the center. Two players hold basketballs, and there are wooden bleachers in the background.
Squadra Senior

Gioca nel campionato di divisione regionale 2, girone del sud Sardegna, con la nostra squadra senior.

Several individuals are playing basketball outdoors on a sunny day. They are wearing casual sportswear and face masks, suggesting a setting influenced by health precautions. The basketball hoop is prominently featured against a clear blue sky. The surrounding area includes palm trees and greenery.
Several individuals are playing basketball outdoors on a sunny day. They are wearing casual sportswear and face masks, suggesting a setting influenced by health precautions. The basketball hoop is prominently featured against a clear blue sky. The surrounding area includes palm trees and greenery.
A collection of basketballs is tightly secured in a net, resting on a blue outdoor basketball court. Nearby, two individuals in athletic clothing are partially visible, suggesting a casual or practice environment. A concrete ledge has a clipboard with a basketball strategy diagram, a stopwatch, and a highlighter placed on it. Greenery borders one side of the court, indicating an outdoor setting.
A collection of basketballs is tightly secured in a net, resting on a blue outdoor basketball court. Nearby, two individuals in athletic clothing are partially visible, suggesting a casual or practice environment. A concrete ledge has a clipboard with a basketball strategy diagram, a stopwatch, and a highlighter placed on it. Greenery borders one side of the court, indicating an outdoor setting.


Esplora la nostra storia, le attività e i momenti memorabili.

A black and white photograph featuring a unique basketball hoop structure with three backboards in an open area, surrounded by people. In the background, a group of individuals are gathered near a volleyball net, with more people dispersed, engaging in recreational activities.
A black and white photograph featuring a unique basketball hoop structure with three backboards in an open area, surrounded by people. In the background, a group of individuals are gathered near a volleyball net, with more people dispersed, engaging in recreational activities.
An indoor sports hall with a basketball hoop and court markings. The court has a polished wooden floor with red and white lines. The ceiling is high with metal beams, and the walls have large windows covered by dark curtains. A basketball is visible in mid-air near the hoop.
An indoor sports hall with a basketball hoop and court markings. The court has a polished wooden floor with red and white lines. The ceiling is high with metal beams, and the walls have large windows covered by dark curtains. A basketball is visible in mid-air near the hoop.
A group of young people are playing basketball on an outdoor court with a backdrop of a graffiti-covered wall. One player is jumping to shoot the basketball into the hoop, while others are standing around watching and participating. The scene captures movement and energy in a casual, urban setting.
A group of young people are playing basketball on an outdoor court with a backdrop of a graffiti-covered wall. One player is jumping to shoot the basketball into the hoop, while others are standing around watching and participating. The scene captures movement and energy in a casual, urban setting.

La polisportiva Marrubiu è un'ottima associazione! I corsi di basket sono ben organizzati e coinvolgenti, perfetti per ragazzi e adulti. Consigliatissima!

Marco P.

A basketball and a pair of black sports shoes are placed on an outdoor basketball court. A basketball hoop with a backboard is visible in the background, and the court is surrounded by trees and some buildings under a clear blue sky.
A basketball and a pair of black sports shoes are placed on an outdoor basketball court. A basketball hoop with a backboard is visible in the background, and the court is surrounded by trees and some buildings under a clear blue sky.
